We are settling in, here in Elgin, and our contact number is 07742 182338
About Us

Yes, like many other baby-related businesses, Fiesta Tots was started by a parent. I have three children (born in 2007, 2009 and 2013) and regularly experience all the ups-and-downs that parenting brings but - of course - I wouldn’t change it for the world!

I've always loved to travel and my husband and I promised ourselves that, when we becme parents, we would still indulge in getting away on days out and holidays with our babies and small children. We both regard travel of all kinds as a great experience for kids, no matter their ages, and we particularly think days out – which are fun for all and most definitely as easy as possible on parents - need clever ideas that save time (or even space in the change bag!). As a family, we love our days out and travelling to new places. It’s the perfect way to let off steam and spend quality time together, without the stresses of home life and the distractions of the television and computers.

One of the biggest reasons for Fiesta Tots was my desire to bring together some of my main loves: my children, travel, family days out and - of course - shopping for clever ideas that save time, space and weight. We’ve been to many outdoor events advertised as 'family friendly' and, when there, have realised that there are usually few (if any) places to buy forgotten infant and child paraphernalia. So the Fiesta Tots dream began - making available baby and young child essentials at events such as air shows and festivals - and the dream grew into enabling everyone to find useful products before they go on their travels.

Another reason for Fiesta Tots came out of my experiences of travelling professionally. Having flown worldwide as Cabin Crew during my Twenties, I’ve seen many good and bad ways of travelling with children. Working on the ground in the terminal then added to my experiences! My sphere of parental expertise now incorporates planes, trains, automobiles and ferries. 'Posh' hotels, basic digs, road trips or camping - with a little planning, ALL are possible and ALL can be fun. Over time, many of my experiences (both good and bad, may I add!) will appear on the website and (in keeping with our ethos of valuing what our custmers have to say) I would also love to hear fellow travellers' experiences.

Please enjoy looking through the collection of products Fiesta Tots has to offer - and please let me know if there is anything you want me to search out for you. Our product range has grown over the years and now covers every area you might need (not just travel-related) when considering pregancy, babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. 

Bon Voyage,

Mrs Alex