We are settling in, here in Elgin, and our contact number is 07742 182338

Breathable Baby

Image result for breathable baby logo"Here at BreathableBaby, we believe that the most important benefit of our breathable innovations is the ability to create a safer nursery environment.
A baby’s world is filled with sleeping, moving and unexpected surprises — breathability and comfort tops the list in every product we design." 

Science of breathability - All BreathableBaby® fabrics are made exclusively for BreathableBaby®. A.C.T.®Air Channel Technology is the science behind the brand, allowing air flow access inside of fabrics that cannot be compressed to form an airtight seal, therefore allowing continual access to air. 

Reduces risk of suffocation - The air-pockets in the mesh help reduce the risk of suffocation and re-breathing carbon dioxide, allowing the air to flow from top-to-bottom and side-to-side. 

Soft, cushiony mesh - The cushiony, yet durable mesh gives extra protection from bumps and bruises while resilient enough to withstand baby's arms and legs pushing, poking and still keeps them safely inside.